Monday, October 17, 2011


Since this is going to be a short post I thought that I would post more than one this week.
 I defiantly think I will be doing this recipe this Halloween, and or a Harry Potter movie marathon.  Tried it out just for you guys!!!
Very simple recipe. Me and the hubby liked it pretty well. If you every had the alcoholic shot called buttery nipple this kind of tastes like that.  If I ever make this again it's going to probably be a once a year thing. 

 (pardon my messy stove I just got done cooking before this)

Here is what you will need:
A 2 litter of Cream soda ( You can generally find this in a regular grocery store)
2 teaspoons Rum extract (imitation rum extract works too)
2 tablespoons Butter extract (or imitation butter flavor)
Pour both extracts into the Cream soda bottle. To make it easier use a small funnel, I didn't.  Recap the bottle and gently rotate the bottle to mix. I basically  Gently flipped the bottle upside down over and over again. 


The original site also gave ingredients for a cream topping I didn't try this but here it is if you want to try
 1 7oz container of marshmallow crème
1 cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon rum extract

Combine all ingredients together in a mixer until smooth and creamy

And of course I have to give credit where credit is due!!!!  Not to mention they have some cool stuff on their site. CHECK IT OUT!!!


  1. This looks yummy and sounds yummy too! Garrett and I definitely need to try this, we love Harry Potter!

  2. I agree with Whit! I loooove cream soda...this has to be good!
